Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)


Who is it for?
The Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is an introductory course for candidates who have little or no previous English language teaching experience. It may also be suitable for candidates with some experience but little previous training.
120 Horas, timetable varies according to the mode, number of teachers: 6-18, workload: about 10 hours/week, Input & Teaching Practice.
What to expect?
The course enables candidates to:
- acquire essential knowledge and familiarity with the principles of effective teaching
- acquire a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners
- demonstrate their ability to apply their learning in a real teaching context
Candidates who complete the course successfully can begin working in a variety of ESOL teaching contexts around the world.

Syllabus overview
The syllabus consists of five specific topic areas:
Topic 1 – Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context
Topic 2 – Language analysis and awareness
Topic 3 – Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
Topic 4 – Planning and resources for different teaching contexts
Topic 5 – Developing teaching skills and professionalism.

A certificate is awarded to candidates who have completed the course and who have met the assessment criteria for all written and practical assignments. The overall assessment aims for each topic are that candidates should be able to:
1. assess learner needs, and plan and teach lessons which take account of learners’ backgrounds, learning preferences and current needs
2. demonstrate language knowledge and awareness and appropriate teaching strategies
3. demonstrate knowledge about language skills and how they may be acquired
4. plan and prepare lessons designed to develop learners’ overall language competence
5. demonstrate an appropriate range of teaching skills at this level and show professional awareness and responsibility.
There are two main components
Component One: Planning and teaching.
Component Two: Classroom-related written assignments (of which there are four in total).
CELTA is internally assessed and externally moderated by a Cambridge ESOL approved assessor, who samples portfolios and teaching practice and who discusses and agrees on the grades for all candidates.
Important Details - Please Read Before Applying:
- Before contacting your centre, please check you meet the following criteria:
- Are you 18 or over?
- Do you have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education?
- Is your English good enough to teach at a range of levels? (Minimum CEFR level high C1 or above).
You can check your level of English here for free: https://updigital.com.br/evaluation
If you do not have formal educational qualifications at the level indicated above, centres may still accept you, if you can demonstrate that you would be likely to complete the course successfully.
You will write four assignments along the course, as below:
• one assignment focusing on the learner and their learning context
• one assignment on the language systems of English
• one assignment on the language skills of English
• one assignment involves reflection on our development along the course
By doing so, you need to demonstrate that you:
• are familiar with key ELT terminology
• are sensitive to relevant aspects of professional development
• can relate ELT practice to theory
• can write at a level of accuracy that does not jeopardise comprehensibility
The word length of each assignment is within the range of 750–1,000 words, you will receive clear guidelines to each one, and you cannot fail more than one, or you will fail the course.
Cambridge CELTA can be delivered in different modes: in-person, blended and 100% online. There is no difference whatsoever between the certificates of different modes. When you take the face-to-face course, input sessions are scheduled and delivered by trainers in person. When it comes to the blended version (using Zoom), the only difference is that the sessions are delivered online as opposed to on-site.
The 100% online course allows trainees a bit more freedom in choosing how they work, as they will be doing the input sessions in an asynchronous fashion, but still need to cover a certain number of sessions every week. If assignments are completed on time, the online modes allow trainees to work at their own pace, when and where they choose. In that case, trainees are assigned an online course tutor who will facilitate their group work and provide feedback on assignments and progress.
One of the reasons behind the success of CELTA is its strong practical element, giving trainees confidence and showing employers that they already have experience of teaching adult learners.
All modes of Cambridge CELTA (including the new 100%-online) use the same model of supervised lesson planning, teaching practice, evaluation and feedback.
Trainees learn to apply theory to practice by teaching classes of adult learners organised into practice groups at two different levels. Each trainee completes six hours’ assessed teaching practice. This involves teaching on eight occasions and observing the teaching of other trainees in the teaching practice group. As well as gaining hands-on experience teaching genuine learners, trainees will:
• observe experienced teachers teaching classes of adult learners (at least six hours (three of which may be on video))
- watch peers teach their classes and participate in giving feedback.
Alongside their online course tutor, trainees will work with a teaching practice tutor. Both tutors work together to ensure a close link between theory and practice.
Doing the CELTA can be challenging in terms of time. In full-time courses (generally done over 4 or 5 weeks), it will be expected that trainees be ready to dedicate exclusively to the course, which means about 8 hours a day, including weekends (f2f or online modes). In part-time courses (generally done over 12 to 18 weeks) an average of 10-15 hours/week will be requested. Trainees should remember they will need to:
- attend/check input sessions
- teach 6 hours and write full plans for the lessons
- observe 6 hours of experienced teachers
- write four assignments
- reflect upon their teaching

There are 4 Programmed Courses for 2024
Course 03/24
Days: Fridays
Mode/Time: SYNC, with real-time input sessions (09-12, on Zoom) + Teaching Practice (2-5 pm, on Zoom)
Course start: August 09th, 24
Course end: December 06th, 24
Course 04/24
Mode/Time: ASYNC input sessions (on Appian) (workload: approx. 10 hours/week)
Course start: October 14th, 24 (with a break in December)
Course end: February 14th, 25
Mode/Time: SYNC Teaching Practice (Monday-Friday, 6 p.m. – 10 p.m., on Zoom)
TP start: January 06th, 25
TP end: January 31st, 25
Estimated workload: 08-10 hours a day (planning and delivering lessons)

FIRST SEMESTER Courses for 2025
Course 01/25
100% Online | Full-time
Start: Feb 03, 25
End: Feb 28, 25
Estimated workload: 08 hours a day, Mon-Fri
Teaching Practice: evenings, from 6-9:30
Course 02/25
100% Online | Part-time
Online Component
Start: May 12, 25
End: Aug 15, 25
Note: the online component stops in July for the teaching practice)
Estimated workload: 10-15 hours a week (except July)
Teaching Practice
Start: July 07, 25
End: Aug 01, 25
Estimated workload: approx. 08 hours/day, Mon-Fri, with TPs in the evenings, , from 6-9:30 pm
Teaching Component (Sync via Zoom)
Mode: real-time lessons given by trainees to guest learners and followed by feedback
Estimated workload: we suggest these four weeks are all dedicated to the teaching practice, as there is a lot involved in planning and delivery of the lesson you will teach.
You must do it here at UP Language because the tutors are absolutely amazing, experienced and they will help you to get better.
Henrique Ferreira
We always count on very qualified tutors for our courses, as we understand this is our most valuable asset. Among them:
André Alipio

André Alipio started working as a teacher in 1988, and has been a teacher, coordinator, teacher trainer and/or DoS at different institutes in Brazil and abroad. He was responsible for the CPE for teachers at Cellep (BR131), International House São Paulo (BR650), and GTP. He has a B.A. in Communication from PUC/SP, holds RSA COTE and the Cambridge DELTA, IHCOLT from International House World Organization, and a masters degree in TESOL & Applied Linguistics from the University of Leicester. He has also worked as a course developer for 15 years, having delivered courses, training sessions, lectures and workshops in different countries. He has been working as a CELTA tutor (all modes) and Delta tutor (all modules) for different centres.
Elcio Souza

Elcio Souza has a B.A. in Translation and Interpreting, a B.A. in TEFL, and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from UNICAMP. He also holds an overarching DELTA from Cambridge University. His 32-year teaching experience includes students of all ages and levels at language institutes, regular schools, and universities at both undergrad and graduate programs. Elcio has presented several lectures and workshops for teachers in Brazil and abroad. As an ELT-Pronunciation master coach, Elcio has been training in-service teachers, coordinators, and teacher trainers for over 20 years. He currently tutors Pronunciation, CELTA (all modes), and other language-specific and teacher education courses in Brazil.
Orlando Delgado

Orlando Delgado is a very experienced teacher and teacher-trainer, who is now the Director of Teacher Training at International House Mexico. He also holds ICELT and DELTA from Cambridge University, COLT and CAM from International House, and has an MA in TESOL from the University of Manchester. He is an ICELT moderator and a CELTA/Delta assessor, and has tutored and/or assessed CELTA and Delta courses in different countries, and in different modes (on-site, blended, or all-online). Orlando is now working towards his MBA and has shared his expertise in a number of interviews and teaching programs.
Course Fees
Brazilian residents: R$4.990,00 – in 6 instalments + U$335.00 (Cambridge fee)
Overseas payments: U$990.00 + U$335.00 (Cambridge fee)
The following will have a 10% discount on the fees above:
Active members of Braztesol and APLIESP
Former trainees of International House World Organization
Employees of publishing houses
Academic coordinators of English teaching institutes
UP Language Consultants partner schools (ATTC)
The following will have a 15% discount on the fees above:
All active members of GTP
All Teachers at UP Language Consultants
Institutions who enroll 4 or more participants
We Love Questions - CELTA FAQ

Trainees are advised to spend between 1.5 to 2 hours per unit. The number of units every week varies a bit in the beginning, but on average, trainees will deal with 3-4 units a week, over 8 weeks. This means you should have between 4.5 and 6 hours a week for input sessions. Trainees will work at different speeds depending on ability, experience etc. However, an average is expected to be about 2 hours per unit.
Please bear in mind that you will still need to write four assignments and prepare and teach 9 lessons (360 minutes on the whole), which also demands a lot of time.
It depends on the course you are attending. When you do F2F courses or those delivered all on Zoom, then you will have them at real time. However, when doing the async course with input from Moodle, then the input sessions are asynchronous, which means you do not need to be online at a given time to follow them. They should be, however, checked on the specific week they are scheduled for, which is scheduled by the tutor high in advance.
The input sessions will be made available to those who have missed them, but ideally trainees should be there as scheduled. TPs cannot be recorded, either when delivered online or when delivered in person.
All materials, including videos and resources are embedded so there are no additional costs.
The course is structured so that there is some preliminary input. In async 12-week courses, TP begins on week 4, and takes 20-30 days, with candidates teaching day in day out. In face-to-face courses, TP will also link to input, but it starts at the very beginning of the course.
It sure does.
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